Our Curriculum
The Emmaus Federation Curriculum is founded upon the demands of the National Curriculum. We ensure that we are able to inspire and excite all of our learners through a topic based approach that sets learning in a tangible context. Our learning is placed in "real life" contexts wherever possible so children see value in developing new skills, knowledge and understanding. The Emmaus Federation incorporates its five values of love, inclusion, respect, compassion and forgiveness into all our learning projects.
We have linked our Literacy through our topics to ensure that children are excited to write about their learning. We also use a Mathematics curriculum and assessment framework which provides uniquely tailored opportunities for real-life maths across the curriculum which are then assessed against age-related expectations.
Our new two-year curriculum cycle and curriculum information for each class for the current term can be found below and on each class page. Please take the time to visit the class pages to view the latest projects or come along to our many curriculum events to see the outcomes.
RE - We teach RE in accordance with the Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus. As a Federation of Church Schools, the language of God is actively encouraged and all opportunities for Collective Worship are therefore underpinned by Scripture. We operate a 2 year rolling programme where, in addition to Christianity, children will learn about and from many of the World’s major faiths.
In order to prepare all of our learners for life in modern Britain, throughout their lifetime within our Federation, all children will be provided with opportunities to develop their own identity, beliefs and opinions thanks to the broad and diverse range of experiences, people and faiths they will have contact with. We seek to provide a safe, secure and inclusive environment in which children can question and investigate in order to become members of our community who embrace and respect one other.
Forest School
Early Years Engineer